USOPHE, formerly the Health Education Association of Utah, is an organization dedicated to serving health educators and the general public. To become a member or to renew your membership, please click the “JOIN NOW” button above. Using our secure link, you can join the organization and pay the annual membership fee ($35 for professionals and $20 for students) online. Membership is good for 12months from the day you join. Benefits include:
Certified Health Education Specialists can earn credits at several local conferences that offer opportunities for educational and professional growth.
Through different community outreach strategies, we promote the health education profession and the importance of CHES to the public and potential employers.
We keep you updated on job opportunities, new research, legislative actions, conference announcements, and much more. Association members also receive newsletters.
Be informed of upcoming advocacy events and bills that impact public health in Utah.
About us
Our Mission, Goals, and Bylaws
The Mission of USOPHE
is to improve the health of Utahns by promoting the advancement of the health education profession and the employment of health educators in the public and private sector.
Current USOPHE Board Members
Carrie Bennett
Mercedes Maestas
John Stuligross
Past President
Kate Jenkins
Kristi Sharp
Kari Norton
Conference Planning Chair
Raven Albertson
SOPHE Delegate
Morgan Hadden
Advocacy Chair
Sarah Callaway
Professional Development Chair
Danielle Forbes
Membership Chair
Ruth Hurford-Reynolds
Public Relations Chair
Jori Kloosterman
Credentialing Chair
Currently Recruiting
Student Board Member
Currently Recruiting
Special Projects Chair
Latest news
Health Literacy
What is Health Literacy? Health literacy is the degree in which individuals have the ability to find,[…]
School Health
“School health is the comprehensive effort of developing, implementing, and evaluating services, both within the school and[…]
Health Promotions
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health promotion as “the process of enabling people to increase control[…]
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